
Thursday, 6 January 2011

Introducing Stuart Amory - Our New Personal Trainer

My name's Stuart Amory of In-Kilter Fitness. I've been a well known personal trainer for over 5 years and a RAF Physical Training Instructor for 10 before that. I have a Diploma in Personal Training and am also an Advanced Kettlebell and Boxercise Instructor, qualified in pre and post natal exercise and am soon to be one of a handful of Certified Bulgarian Bag Instructors in the world!

In teaching and motivating clients, celebrities and soldiers for so long it qualifies me to give to you that little helpful guidance or push in the right direction. However, it's up to you as you'll only be able to reach your goals if you really want to.

I am passionate in what I do which then drives you, the client forward to behaving and becoming healthier, fitter, more confident and look amazing. 2011 is going to be my fittest and healthiest. Follow my tips below and let this year be yours too!

Start with long term goals and then break them down into smaller short term ones that will help you on your way. Decide monthly activities, then weekly and finally daily ones, 'so to achieve my long term goal, I must
do this today'.

Be focussed with your goal. Write your goal(s) down along with a date on piece of paper and attach it to your bathroom mirror or fridge.
Dream of what you WILL feel like when you achieve that goal...if it doesn't excite you then it's not strong enough!

Exercise doesn't always mean 60mins at the gym, you could probably do some exercise right now! 

Saying "I have no time for exercise" will get you nowhere. Find ways to get fit...Stairs not lift, get off tube/train/bus a stop earlier, do 3 squats before you sit down.

Make this fun, why would you do something you don't enjoy and why on earth would you stick to it?!?

Get a support group and do it together. Follow @inkilterfitness on twitter and you'll join thousands feeling the same as you.

Celebrate success. We are all big kids at heart and love getting a 'well done' pat on the head, so before you achieve your goal, plan a reward!

Good luck and let's make 2011 your fittest and healthiest year yet!!!

 Stuart Amory

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